A house is a body, it holds what you love

HOLD is a creative digital container for story telling, self study, and wisdom shared with an inspiring community of really cool humans. It is a virtual place, house, or home that holds what you love. HOLD can be your digital kitchen table to share stories and laughs with a community, or a virtual backyard to simply take some deep breaths and meditate on your day. We have curated and collected digital experiences and exercises to give you a place to be present, to be here, and to be you: merging body, mind and spirit.

We fully believe that when cool humans come together, cool things happen. Whether that be the generation of a new idea, a new friendship or partnership, that last inspirational push to start or finish a project, the pleasure of appreciating your fellow human’s successes, or simply letting yourself be and rest, all while surrounded by people who only want good for you. We also believe that joining together with intentions to be kind and with a vulnerability necessary to learn and grow, we will only improve the well-being of us as individuals, as well as our community as a whole.